HIP Senior Canada
The knowledge about seniors that informs our actions
Having the tradition of caring for our elderly is a strength in society.
The reality is, most families need an extra helper, to assist with their aging loved ones.
In reality, or aging parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and family friends have lived rich and full lives, contributing to the fabric of our world.
Many of these loved ones, are living lonely lives. They are living in isolation and sometimes fear.
It is important that we explore ways to prevent mishaps and find ways to communicate and connect with our precious seniors, ensuring a kind and loving quality of life.
The knowledge about youth that informs our actions
Our main expertise since 1991 has mainly been in working with our youth.
Full of optimism, enthusiasm and eagerness to learn many of our young are inexperienced, looking for their first opportunity at finding their career.
The Birth of HIP Seniors Canada
We connect the young with our old.
We supply an opportunity for the two to support and learn from each other!